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A member registered Jun 11, 2021

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No problem, sorry for not being clearer. I'll try and outline below what I did.

Drag the KayKit Animated Character into the scene and drag the .fbx version of whichever character you want to use in as well (as its own separate game object).

As here:

Right click the character object (for me it was character_explorer), go down to prefab and click unpack completely. Then drag character_explorerHead to be a child of Head in the KayKit Animated Character hierarchy, character_explorerArmLeft to armLeft, character_explorerArmRight to armRight and then the remaining character_explorer (including backpack and binoculars) to Body.

As here:

Delete PrototypePete and you should be left with a rigged character that you can save as a new prefab or whatever else you want to do with it.

Hope that helps. Not using the .fbx version is where i went wrong originally. Shout if I'm still not being clear enough.

As suspected, it was an issue I caused myself.

Originally, I placed the KayKit Animated Character in the scene,and then dragged the Explorer body parts straight from the inspector onto the respective positions in the Animated Character hierarchy.

To solve it, I placed the whole fbx Explorer character model into the scene as well, unpacked it and moved each body part from the Explorer to the Animated Character hierarchy WITHIN the scene.

I hope that explantion makes sense. Either way, it was just me missing something but all sorted now.

Thanks again for your help, Kay.

Thanks for the help, Kay. I used the obj files for the Explorer and Alfar characters. I've also just tried unpacking the fbx version of those models and using their parts but they have the same arm issue.

Screenshot of hierarchy attached. The Animator component is on KayKit Animated Character_v1.1, not on Player.

As I say, I'm probably missing something, or its a version issue.

Edit: repost as I'm not sure the first reply worked.

First of all, thanks for the fantastic animations.

Using Unity v2021.1.22f1 and there seems to be an issue with the arms of the characters not being in the correct position. Prototype pete is fine but when attaching the body parts of other characters, the head and body are fine but the left and right arms are rotated and positioned 'inside' the head. Local transform is all set to zero when importing and so far I've tested the Explorer character and Alfar the Warrior, both of which have the arm issue.

I've found a workaround by setting the local position of the left arm in the inspector to: x = 0, y = 0.1, z = 0 and the local rotation to: x = 0, y = 90, z = 205

And for the right arm, position is the same and rotation is: x = 0, y = 90, z = 155. This seems to place them in the correct position for animation when checked against prototype pete.

I don't know if this is something I've done wrong or something silly I've missed, or if it's a Unity issue. I thought these numbers might help anyone else who's arms are waving all over the place though.

Thanks again! Looking forward to more beautiful creations.